Frequently asked
Can I contact the judges?
Yes, competitors can contact the judges within 30 days of the competition. The judges’ contact details would have been provided in the results pack for each competitor.
What is the correct hair and makeup for convention?
Instead of focusing on what is the correct hair and makeup, it is more important to understand how these elements are used by the judges at contest. Below is an extract from the Judging Category Description Book.
The primary purpose of stage makeup is to define facial features so that the audience is aware of, and can respond to, the performers’ facial expressions. Communication with the audience requires facial expression, i.e., use of the eyes, eyebrows, mouth and facial muscles that control expressions such as smiles and frowns. Facial expression must span the distance between performer and audience. For the performer to evoke an emotional response, the audience must be able to identify the lift of an eyebrow, the sparkle in the eyes and the subtle changes that play across facial features during a performance.
Stage makeup is a vital part of the stage presentation, whether the costume be a sophisticated gown or that of a clown. The intensity of stage lighting tends to drain color and the performer needs to compensate for this by increasing the vibrancy and intensity of stage makeup.
Though there is no “rule” that performers must wear red lipstick, experience has shown that a true red is least likely to fade under stage lights. The once traditional blue or green eye shadows have been supplemented by contemporary shades that are acceptable so long as the desired effect — that of highlighting the performers’ eyes — is achieved. The shade of makeup, whether greasepaint, pancake or cream, should result in a natural-looking complexion under stage lights. Again, the unit appearance is of primary importance, and any techniques employed to minimize or enhance individual features must remain in harmony with the finished unit look rather than becoming obvious to the viewer.
The showmanship judge bases her evaluation of makeup on the overall unity and effectiveness of the performers’ makeup, not on the colors, product or techniques used.
Can I have the contact details of a chorus, quartet or a member?
Due to privacy considerations, we do not give out mailing addresses without the consent of the individual or group. It is best to contact a chorus or quartet via their website or social media page – the links are available on our directory. The RMT also does not keep a record of each individual member in Region 31.
Do I need to get permission to upload the video of our convention performance? Who do I need to get permission from?
All media (audio, video and images) are property of Sweet Adelines International. You will need to get permission from the Music Services Department at the headquarters office.
Chapter management
What are the differences between running a chorus with a board as opposed to a management team?
The differences between the two forms of chorus governance are around the number of members of the board/management team and the way decisions are made. The Music Director’s role in terms of decision making is also different. Check out the summary of these differences in the Run your chorus page in the Resources section.
My chorus is looking for a Musical Director. Can I advertise on your website?
We have been looking to facilitate posting notices on this website. Meantime, we can offer a space on the Harmony Rag, and for choruses (Sweet Adelines International, LABBS and BABS) looking for a Musical Director, this is offered free of charge.
Can I purchase a copy of 'Sing Baby Sing' by Darlene Rogers?
We don’t hold any stock of items sold by Sweet Adelines International here in Region 31.