Launch of Singsational
Somerset Hills Chorus was founded over 25 years ago by Cynthia Tucker and has a wonderful history, full of friendships, success and a great deal of fun! Many of the chorus members who formed the original chorus are still with the chorus and as fully engaged as ever.
Many of you will know, that over two years ago after the sad loss of Cynthia, we were lucky enough to recruit the talented Kirstie Spencer as our new Director. After two years of getting to know the chorus, understanding what our strengths and opportunities are, Kirstie and the chorus now feel ready to embark on a new phase of the chorus’ life.
With growing numbers (our chorus has grown over 25% in the last 18 months) and the prospect of a very exciting future built on our wonderful legacy, the Board held a vision and goal-setting day to lay down who we are, what we want to achieve and where we want to be in the next five years. We were also inspired by the work being done at the International level and formulated our five-year vision, which is “a fun loving, progressive chorus welcoming women of all ages with the same passion and commitment to perform at the highest level.”
We also put together a few achievable goals which will help us in reaching this vision, which includes reviewing and updating our repertoire, reviewing our rehearsal plans, developing a robust PR plan (we want to grow even more!) as well as putting together a ‘Fun Plan’. However, one of the things we knew was critical for us and was agreed by all chorus members was that having a new inspirational name would help and encourage us all to work towards our vision of creating a new beginning for Somerset Hills. All our members were encouraged to give suggestions (we collected over 60 names), we then ran a voting process so that we all had a role in choosing that name that really embodies what we are going to achieve.
We’re delighted to announce that as of January 2019, we will now be known as SINGSATIONAL and you can check us out at our new website, on our new Facebook page or please feel free to contact me, Judith Morris, the proud President of Singsational!