Benefits of joining

Becoming a member of Sweet Adelines International provides unlimited opportunities and once-in-a-lifetime experiences. You benefit from exciting opportunities to sing and entertain within your community and compete with the most talented barbershop singers in the world.

You also gain from the following initiatives and programmes:

We provide quality member education in the areas of:

  • Vocal production
  • Choreography
  • Musicianship
  • Stage direction
  • Costuming
  • Stage makeup
  • Chorus management
  • Arranging
  • Membership growth and retention
  • Personal growth and leadership

The following training and certification programmes are also available:

  • International Music Arrangers
  • International Judging
  • Director Certification Program
  • Director Mentor Program
  • Young Women in Harmony Program
Every year, chartered choruses and registered quartets are given the opportunity to compete within their region. Those who come out on top get to represent their region at the International Convention for a chance to be crowned the best in the world.

The annual conventions, both regional and international, also provide educational opportunities for members through workshops in addition to the other education events organised throughout the year. These events are designed to develop your skills as a singer, performer, choreographer, director, or arranger as well as leadership and managerial abilities.

As Sweet Adelines International member, you have access to hundreds of barbershop arrangements to sing for your chorus and/or quartet. You get discount when purchasing these arrangements; in addition, you can also benefit from special music arrangements by internationally recognised arrangers within the organisation.

We provide numerous publications to complement and enrich your experience as barbershop singers and part of the Sweet Adelines International family. Publications include but not limited to:

  • The Pitch Pipe – a quarterly printed and digital magazine published by Sweet Adelines International
  • Harmony Rag – a digital magazine published by the Quartet of Nations Region 31
  • Chapter development aids
  • Competition and performance guides
  • Young Women in Harmony assistance
  • Regional Management Team support
  • Director’s resource materials
  • Arranger’s Home Study Guide and Arranging Concepts and Tools
The Sweet Adelines International Sales shop has an inventory of products that are educationally focused as well as exciting fun novelty items. As members, you get a discount for all your purchases. You can also buy items for member recognition awards from the online store.

Last updated: 27 Oct 2019