Gill Thomas

Gill Thomas - Unsung Champion 2017 - Sweet Adelines

Gill Thomas had a passion for every aspect of barbershop singing and fellowship. She joined Spinnaker Chorus after attending a singing course in 2007 and threw herself into it with enormous enthusiasm and energy. She quickly became a valued member of the bass section, known for her rich vocal tones and her keen ear for music, as well as acting as deputy section leader and a member of the front row.

Gill competed at Convention every year and loved the thrill of competition and the joy and fellowship that surrounded it. She was a hard worker in every aspect of her life and had little time for people with a “couldn’t care less” attitude. She brought this conviction and commitment to her barbershop singing. She competed in many other competitions and music festivals with Spinnaker and in smaller ensembles and loved the preparation, performance and celebrations of success that all her hard work resulted in.

When Gill died unexpectedly and tragically young in January 2017, Spinnaker and the region lost a very special lady with a big heart and a compassion for all, who had a gift for entertaining audiences and chorus members alike with her wonderful singing and her amazing sense of humour. A little like the Cheshire cat, the thing that will forever remain in Spinnaker’s memories of Gill is her smile and the twinkle in her eye, the things that for many epitomised her vivacious and creative personality.

Meet the Unsung Champions (Women of Note) from previous years