Audrey has been a chorus member for 31 years. She has served on the board many times and for the last ten years or more, she has looked after all the friends of Aberdeen Chorus, keeping them informed with newsletters and updates on chorus performances, etc. Audrey is the ‘go-to’ person for any history information we need to know – she remembers every medal we have won and in what year.
Audrey never misses a rehearsal and her commitment to the both the baritone section and latterly, the bass section, have been commendable over the years. She is one of the most respected ladies in the chorus always having time to chat to new (and old) girls (not on the risers, of course!). Her attention to detail in learning her notes and words of every song are the envy of many others in the chorus. She was instrumental in helping with Gwen’s recent retirement lunch ensuring that all the members past and present were invited and also ensuring the smooth running of the event on the day.
Both the Management Team and the Music Team are delighted to nominate Audrey for this wonderful award. Audrey is this year’s unsung hero of the chorus.