Heather Ankers

Lace City
Heather Ankers - Unsung Champion 2019 - Sweet Adelines

Heather joined Lace City as a member of the bass section in March 2012 and since then she has been an amazingly loyal and hardworking member of the chorus. She hardly ever misses a rehearsal and she is always one of the first to arrive at the venue, setting up our sound system and ensuring everything is in place to start the rehearsal on time.

She has been a member of the Membership team for a number of years, acting as registration coordinator for our frequent singing courses, and she is the first friendly face the participants come into contact with. Not only does she meet and greet, she follows up this welcome with frequent contacts with our potential new members and organises buddies for them all. Recently, Heather was appointed Membership Team Coordinator and she fulfills this role with her characteristic efficiency and tenacity! Heather was also instrumental in helping to write our chorus GDPR policy in 2018 to conform to the new regulations.

Heather’s attendance record at singouts is exemplary and it takes a very good reason for Heather to miss one (usually involves tennis, her other love). She has performed at every convention since qualifying including two international conventions.

Heather is married to a fellow barbeshopper who sings with the Nottingham Major Oak Chorus.

Outside of barbershop, Heather is a very keen tennis player and has been Club Secretary for the past 16 years as well as County Mixed League Seretary since 2004. She is also a keen gardener.

Meet the Unsung Champions (Women of Note) from previous years