Sheri Warbrick

Milltown Sound
Sheri Warbick - Unsung Champion 2019 - Sweet Adelines

Milltown Sound started ten years ago and as one of the founding members of the chorus, we feel that it is fitting for Sheri to be our Woman of Note this year. She is an ever present member of the management team having done pretty much every job going so far and at the moment, she is keeping us all in line as the Membership Coordinator.

Sheri is an asset to this chorus – she is there every week, she is the bass section leader, an amazing role model and everything she does is for the best of the chorus.

Her love for our chorus and barbershop is endless. She is always there to lend an ear to anyone who asks. Our members describe her as ‘inspirational’, ‘hard working’, ‘committed’ and ‘super talented’.

Thank you for all that you have done for Milltown Sound over the years, we are sure that without you it wouldn’t have quite been the same!

Meet the Unsung Champions (Women of Note) from previous years