Alison Roberts

Milltown Sound
Alison Roberts - Unsung Champion 2020 - Sweet Adelines

Ali or Robbo as she is more affectionately known is an absolute star in our chorus. Despite having two small children at home, Ali does not let this stop her level of commitment in all of her roles within the Millies. For a start, she is our Team Coordinator and is constantly on the ball with everything she needs to do.

As well as keeping everyone in line, Ali is the baritone section leader and does a fabulous job with her section. She is a great teacher and role-model to them and is an asset to the music team. Since joining the chorus, she has been our Social Media Queen. Anything you see about the Millies on the internet has come from Ali. She really never stops trying to get our mark out there and we absolutely love her for it.

Besides all of the work she does in the chorus, the truth is, she is just a fabulous person. In lockdown she has taught about 2/3 of the Millies to play the ukulele over Zoom without asking anything in return. She seriously has a heart of gold.

As much as we will always be thankful for Ali’s skills within the chorus, we are most thankful for her love and friendship and we thank our lucky stars that she walked through those doors. You only have to spend five minutes with her to realise she is someone you want in your life forever. We love her a lot!

About Alison

Alison Roberts has been with Milltown Sound for nearly six years. She has grown so much as a performer in that time and is now a member of the music team and the management team .She is also trying her hand at quartet singing where she is singing bass.

When she is not singing barbershop, Ali is a music teacher which means we get lots of fun warm ups.

Ali lives with her husband Lee and their wonderful children, Dylan and Emma.

Meet the Unsung Champions (Women of Note) from previous years