Jayne Roper

BackBeat A Cappella
Jayne Roper - Unsung Champion 2020 - Sweet Adelines

We started a chorus from nothing, attracting women who had never sung barbershop, never heard of Sweet Adelines International. Jayne has provided 1:1 support and education for each and every member we have and have had. She has given so much time and support to individuals and the chorus as whole. She always delivers and puts the chorus’ needs first, going above and beyond on a daily/ weekly basis. BackBeat A Cappella are lucky to have such a talented and caring leader.

About Jayne

Jayne is a graduate from the Royal Academy of Music. She trained as a music tutor/teacher.

Jayne has been a member of Sweet Adelines International since approx 2010. She is a committed member of Sweet Adelines International.

She is a founder member and Music Director of BackBeat A Cappella in Region 31.

Meet the Unsung Champions (Women of Note) from previous years