Karin Niewenhuizen-Broos

Singing Unlimited
Karin Niewenhuizen-Broos - Unsung Champion 2022 - Sweet Adelines

The very moment Karin entered a Singing Unlimited rehearsal in 2018, it was clear she was there to stay and would be playing an active role in the chorus! Her talents include a high level of creativity and superb digital skills. These digital skills especially, have helped to facilitate our rehearsals during the last challenging couple of years.

We are so proud of her and this is why we honour her as our ‘Unsung Champion 2022!’

About Karin

Right from the start Karin was dedicated to becoming part of Singing Unlimited, a chorus that, in her own words,’ has changed her life’. She was quick to learn her section inside out and – as a true baritone – kept track of everything. That was indicative of what we could expect from her in other areas.

Within the first 3 months she came up with the idea of creating an online“Who-is-who@SU” page, with pictures of all the faces, names and roles of the chorus members. She had stepped into a new group of women and based this on her own experience of getting to know them as soon as possible.

Within a year she was part of the PR committee, took part in designing a new logo and banners, helped to renew the website and emphasized the importance of the social media, just emerging in 2018. Tirelessly she helped members that needed guidance and who were willing to become more experienced in that area of social media. She wrote ‘how to use’-guides, for those who needed it. Other aspects of digitalization, e.g. installing an SU Google Drive for all members and music issues, and accessibility for all were enthusiastically supported by her (among others).

Important to mention are the oceans of time she has spent in shooting and organizing video recordings of the chorus – this has helped the director and all members to learn and rehearse. All categorized and labelled … like only a baritone can.

During the last two COVID years Karin has played an essential role in keeping the chorus rolling by hosting SU rehearsals via ZOOM sessions: an unexpected reward for all the work that had been done in the preceding years, where she had prepared SU for these digital eras to come.

Karin had an unfortunate accident last summer and broke her back, but after 2 months she lay on a mattress at rehearsal night because she didn’t want to miss a rehearsal. This is the type of person she is!

Meet the Unsung Champions (Women of Note) from previous years