Emma Riley

Vocal Dimension
Emma Riley - Unsung Champion 2022 - Sweet Adelines

For working tirelessly for Vocal Dimension and Region 31, and successfully juggling her responsibilities as VDC Baritone Section Leader and Assistant Director, Region 31 Team Coordinator and the DEI Council at International level. And for being our true friend.

About Emma

Emma’s affinity with performing began with Amateur Dramatics. She joined Surrey Harmony in 2002, discovered barbershop and the die was cast! In 2009, Emma and her fellow singers in the quartet Encore! began to consider forming their own chorus. In January 2010 Vocal Dimension Chorus was born and just over a year later VDC chartered with Sweet Adelines. Under the leadership of Valerie Taylor and Emma, who is Assistant Director, VDC has enjoyed success in competition, culminating in two silver medal performances at Harmony Classic in recent years. Emma is also the baritone section leader with VDC and is currently Region 31 Team Coordinator. She serves on the SAI Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council, a role very close to her own heart. Emma approaches these roles with confidence, good grace and humour, never short-changing any of her responsibilities in favour of the others. She is admirably well-organised and a self-confessed spreadsheet geek! Somehow Emma has also found time to sing baritone with Virtual Q, a quartet formed during lockdown, whose competition debut will be on the Warwick stage. Emma’s life is intrinsically bound up with barbershop, so perhaps it was no surprise that she met her wife Fran on the VDC risers and even proposed to her at the 2019 International Education Symposium in Manchester! In Emma’s own words, “in front of about 500 of my closest friends!”. Vocal Dimension – and Sweet Adelines as a whole – are incredibly lucky to have Emma’s talent, support and friendship.

Meet the Unsung Champions (Women of Note) from previous years