Amy Fisher

Viva Acappella
Amy Fisher - Unsung Champion 2023 - Sweet Adelines

Why Amy is Viva Acappella’s Unsung Champion

Viva Acappella’s Unsung Champion this year is a singer with many strings to her bow! Over the lockdown period, she has driven Viva’s move from our old web administrators to Harmony Site, leading the team which has set up the front and back end of the website, teaching us all the functionality, and she continues to lead the web administration today. In December, we had a very successful Christmas show, and she was part of the core team of amazing members who organised all the logistics. She is currently our Recruitment lead, and at the start of 2023 when Viva was lucky to have an influx of potential new members, she took on the increased Recruitment workload with apparent ease (though we know she worked very hard!), liaising with the Board and Music Team to refine our process, and being a wonderfully welcoming first point of contact for new members. One of our new members described her as “so welcoming, helpful and encouraging”. She is part of our video team to help absent members keep on top of work. Despite her long term membership, this is Viva’s first competition with Amy on stage, as she has accidentally managed to time the arrival of her two daughters on top of New Orleans 2019 and Regionals 2022! However, just a week after contest last year, she was back at chorus, baby in her sling every Thursday evening, already catching up on music, and picking up all the work she was doing before like she’d never left! She has proven her commitment to the chorus, working hard and beavering away despite not being able to join us for contest until now, and we’re delighted to be able to publicly thank Amy Fisher at her first convention!

Meet the Unsung Champions (Women of Note) from previous years