History and milestones


Quartet of Nations established as Region 31 of Sweet Adelines International


First time breaking the 600 score at regional convention – Lace City with 611, Eu4ia UK with 610


First issue of the Harmony Rag published


Alyson Chaney of Lace City receives the Ann Gooch Award at the Sweet Adelines International Convention in Calgary; she also became a member of the International Faculty – the first person in the region to be qualified


Valerie Taylor of Vocal Dimension became a qualified Sweet Adelines International judge in the sound category – the first person in the region as well as outside North America


Anne Cargill of Aberdeen receives the Ann Gooch award at the Sweet Adelines International convention in Houston.

Milltown Sound was the first small chorus from the region to qualify in the Harmony Classic contest in the Sweet Adelines International Convention – they placed 5th


Finesse placed 10th in the quartet contest of the Sweet Adelines International Convention in Denver – first quartet from the Quartet of Nations Region 31 to finish in the top 10.

Anne Cargill of Aberdeen was first appointed to the International Board of Directors – the first person in the region to become a member of the overall governing body of Sweet Adelines International

Finnese Quartet in Denver - Sweet Adelines


Finesse finished 4th in the quartet contest of the Sweet Adelines International Convention in Hawaii – first quartet from the Quartet of Nations Region 31 to finish in the top 5
Finnese Quartet in Hawaii - Sweet Adelines


Elaine Hamilton receives the Ann Gooch Award at the Sweet Adelines International Convention in Hawaii
Elaine Hamilton - Sweet Adelines


Fortuity achieved the highest ever regional Region 31 score of 656, and went on to place 13th at the International Convention in Hawaii, being awarded the International Novice Quartet Award
Quartet Fortuity - Sweet Adelines


Vocal Dimension placed 2nd in the Harmony Classic contest of the Sweet Adelines International Convention in Baltimore – the highest placement to date in the Harmony Classic contest; the chorus also won the Most Entertaining Chorus as selected by members of the audience
Chorus Vocal Dimension in Baltimore - Sweet Adelines


Finesse finished 3rd in the quartet contest of the Sweet Adelines International Convention in Baltimore – the highest placement to date in the International Quartet Competition
Quartet Finesse in Baltimore 2014 - Sweet Adelines


DaleDiva placed 2nd in the Harmony Classic contest in the Sweet Adelines International Convention in Las Vegas – the highest placement to date in the Harmony Classic Division AA contest


Jenny Lawson, founder of Surrey Harmony, receives the Ann Gooch Award at the Sweet Adelines International convention in Las Vegas


Valerie Taylor, director of Vocal Dimension Chorus, receives the Ann Gooch Award at the Sweet Adelines International convention in St Louis.

No Borders Show Chorus wins the Most Entertaining Chorus award in the Harmony Classic contest as selected by members of the audience


Forth Valley Chorus finished 10th place in the chorus contest of the Sweet Adelines International Convention in New Orleans – first chorus from Region 31 to finish in the top 10 and the highest placement to date in the International Chorus Competition

Harmony Rag turns completely digital – click here


Fortuity finished 10th place in the quartet contest of the Sweet Adelines International Convention in New Orleans – the second quartet only from Region 31 to ever finish in the top 10

Quartet Fortuity 2018 Champions - Sweet Adelines


First virtual convention held – following the cancellation of all Sweet Adelines International regional competitions due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Elaine Hamilton was first appointed to the Sweet Adelines International Board of Directors


Valerie Taylor was first appointed to the Sweet Adelines International Board of Directors


Nicky Salt receives the Ann Gooch Award at the Sweet Adelines International Convention in Phoenix
Education Steering Group - Nicky Salt - Sweet Adelines


Forth Valley achieve the highest ever Region 31 Chorus placement at the Sweet Adelines International Convention in Louisville, coming in 6th place!
Chorus Forth Valley 2023 - Sweet Adelines

Milestone missing?

Please let us know if there is a regional milestone that we have missed on this page. Similarly, kindly report any inaccuracies to us, too.