
Chorus Aberdeen - Badge - Sweet Adelines

Aberdeen Chorus is a group of currently around 90 women, who love to sing in four-part harmony. It is one of the top ladies barbershop choirs in UK having won the regional championship no fewer than six times. Originally founded in the 1980s, Aberdeen Chorus continues to go from strength to strength. The chorus benefits from the talents of two amazing directors, Gwen Topp and Sophie Radcliffe who bring an exciting blend of musical experience, excellence, energy and enthusiasm for all things barbershop to every rehearsal. For an energising singing experience Aberdeen Chorus is the place to be!

Rehearsal details

Day – Monday
Timing – 19:00 – 22:00
Chorus Aberdeen - Sweet Adelines


Sophie Radcliffe

President/Team Coordinator

Debbie Pern


Curl Aberdeen
Eday Walk
AB15 6LN

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