Barbershop music originated with quartets – each person carrying their own part creating and improvising harmonies around the melody.
Whilst singing in a quartet can be very challenging due to the fact there is only one person singing each part, it is equally rewarding, to find the right balance of voices, abilities and personalities to ring those chords and wow the audiences.
Any member of Sweet Adelines International can form or join to sing in a quartet. If you wish to sing in a quartet but not a member of a chartered chorus, you need to join Sweet Adelines International as Chapter-at-Large.
As a Chapter-at-Large member, you can participate in all educational opportunities, and enjoy all regional and international membership privileges. You will receive a membership card, subscription to The Pitch Pipe, member rates for convention registrations (regional and international) and education events, and discounts on purchases on the Sweet Adelines International Sales shop.
Singing in a Quartet Good for the Soul by Corrina Garriock, a Sweet Adelines International member from Canadian Maple Leaf Region 26
Forming a new quartet starts from finding a person for each part. However, there are much more things to consider when starting one in order for the quartet experience to be enjoyable and successful for all parties involved.
Are you forming to compete only or is your quartet intending to purely entertain? Some quartets form only for one contest season to compete. Some have stayed together longer to provide entertainment within their community. Other quartets do both. Whatever your objectives are, make sure that these are shared by all four.
If your quartet decides to compete, make sure that you register with Sweet Adelines International and do it by 15th January to avoid the additional processing fee.
Finding a name is one of the fun parts of assembling a quartet. Your name can be anything – silly or formal – but make sure that it is unique to you. So be creative. Remember, if your quartet plans to be in the long-haul, then your name becomes part of your brand.
If your quartet plans to compete, you need to make sure that your name is not currently used by another quartet. Sweet Adelines International provides a name search when you register.
Like a chorus, a quartet requires managing both from a musical and administrative standpoint. When starting a quartet, look for the capabilities of each member to avoid one person doing everything. Some quartet roles are:
There really are no initial costs when starting a quartet, except the Sweet Adelines International registration fee of US$100. However, you need to be aware that there are running costs to cover:
Should you decide to compete in a Sweet Adelines regional contest, you will also need to pay the competition entry fee
Lastly, if one of your quartet members is not a member of Sweet Adelines International then individual membership dues as Chapter-at-Large will also be incurred. As a quartet, you will need to decide whether this cost will be shared amongst the quartet members or paid for by the individual.
As soon as you have established your quartet in the UK and/or the Netherlands, please let our Quartet Liaison know so we can add you to our directory.