At Singing Unlimited, Anda is a priceless treasure! She is one of the founding members of the chorus which began in 2013 with ten members – all with a healthy dose of trust and belief that their venture could only succeed. Anda was the driving force in the whole process. Besides rolling up her sleeves and getting on with the job in hand, she always manages to draw the best out of people by way of encouragement and motivation.
Anda started her barbershop career as a member of the Flying High Singers in 1996. She has many talents and without a doubt the continued growth and blossoming of the chorus is more than a little due to her tireless devotion.
Within the chorus itself, Anda fulfils many roles. She is chairman of the board, assistant director, leader of the bass section and a member of the convention committee. Anda is a sounding-board for many members and above all a fine role model and inspiration for the younger, more inexperienced singers. She has a positive attitude and her style as chairman of the board strives for consensus in decision-making. One of Anda’s ground rules is to protect and preserve harmony.
Anda is a woman of note because she contributes so much to the chorus and is responsible for their exceptionally positive attitude. She is a true representative of the values of Sweet Adelines, creating opportunities for and strengthening the role of women in society. She does this in her own specific way: singing in harmony AND having fun!