Charl is one of the unsung heroes of the Regional Management Team; having served in both formal roles (Communications Coordinator till 2016) and informal roles, supporting the region in all aspects of Marketing and Communication.
She is creative and innovative and her passion for design is evident. She created and built the current Quartet of Nations website from scratch, rebranding the pages and developing our current look and feel. She maintains all Region 31’s social media channels and provides excellent content and graphics for them. She was instrumental in the Instagram Takeover, that saw many choruses using the region’s Instagram to promote their activities, and in transforming Harmony Rag from a print publication to the interactive online presence we have today.
She is full of energy, always on the ball and is professional yet personable, with a wicked sense of humour!
She is a key figure at convention, making sure the webpage is updated with all relevant information for all competitors and attendees and ensuring our convention programme is of the highest quality.
COVID-19 has not put a stop to her creative talents, she has turned this challenge into an opportunity and has developed the Virtual Convention, a platform that allows us to connect with friends across the region.
About Charl
Charl joined London City Singers in early 2011 and has made big contributions to marketing and communications. She was responsible for setting up the chorus Facebook page and getting them started on social media, helping to redesign and manage their website in the past. She joined the chorus committee in 2012 and continued to be a lead on marketing. She also helped with getting the chorus paid gigs and helping with organising events. She has arranged for London City Singers to do two live TED talks in the past!
She sings bass and is a very valued member of the bass section. Although Charl is not currently on the official committee, she continues to work behind the scenes contributing to chorus events and marketing subteam, as well as obviously contributing a lot of time to support Sweet Adelines International at the regional level.