Colette could never be described as ‘someone in the background’ and it’s difficult to find something she doesn’t do! She is bold and forthright, with enough enthusiasm to rally an army and the most honest of intent. She cares about every member and has been a smiling face on Zoom throughout lockdown with no less tenacity than when stood on the risers! She epitomises the heart of Viva and we love her dearly. Always encouraging, always tells it how it is, always the first to own up to bum notes, always there to help with anything required. When we need a nudge, she nudges, when we need a hug, she hugs, when we need a smile, she beams and when we tire, she is the first to jolly us along. She has been the only nominee from the chorus with a unanimous vote for her tireless efforts at keeping morale up and the rehearsals refreshed, since becoming assistant to the director, Colette has worked hard to get everyone involved in some form, her help proving invaluable to Helen (Music Director) in ensuring our zoom sessions are engaging and inclusive.
Our Colette is one in a million and absolutely our Unsung Champion!
About Colette
Having always loved singing since early childhood, Colette was invited to the barbershop world 23 years ago while standing in a china shop. She was overheard singing to her baby by her (now) good friend’s mum who told her, “you should come and join our chorus” – so she bit the bullet, and hasn’t looked back since! She joined the chorus called Velvet
Harmony in Bromley singing lead, then Green Street Blues Chorus and now Viva Acappella as a bass. She was also part of the LABBS bronze medal-winning quartet OOTB (Out Of The Blue) and gold medal-winning quartet Hot Note (LABBS 2014 and Region 31 2015).
Outside of the chorus, Colette enjoys family life with husband Shane, daughter Megan and their dog Rossi. She recently took a break from her long and hard-working career in the motor trade to focus on herself and her family for while. However she still owns a tyre business with her husband which she’ll be working to build up in the future.