Daisy Blench

London City Singers
Daisy Blench - Unsung Champion 2020 - Sweet Adelines

When we asked the chorus for their views about whether we should make Daisy our woman of note for 2020 the replies were unanimous: “Definitely!” “Absolutely!” “Fantastic!” “She deserves it.” “100% yes.”

London City Singers believe that Daisy is an absolute star! She has coordinated so many successful events over the last few years – and she’s done it with so little drama and so much grace. Daisy has the absolutely brilliant skill of quietly getting on with things that would seem like enormous tasks for anyone else, getting them done to an excellent standard with minimum fuss and is so humble about what she has achieved for the chorus. We wouldn’t have been able to do half the things we’ve done in recent years without her skill, commitment and expertise. She’s organised everything from performances on TV/radio to our annual convention trips and we are so grateful.

As a person she is talented, dedicated, approachable, extremely trustworthy… the list goes on. We know that if Daisy says she will get something done for the chorus then it will happen. As a singer she is a real asset to the bass section. She’s extremely committed and she works really hard at being the best singer and section member she can be.

A personal anecdote from one of our members sums up what Daisy means to them (and the rest of the chorus):

Once on the contest stage I slipped off the riser and blindly grabbed onto Daisy, the person directly in front of me. She didn’t even bat an eyelid, just calmly supported me and carried on singing.

We hope that this nomination will show Daisy just how valued she is by the chorus.

About Daisy

Daisy joined London City Singers in autumn of 2012 and hasn’t looked back since. Over the years, she has slowly and steadily made a huge impact on the chorus. She has revolutionised how we run events – we don’t even hesitate before arranging a gig because we know they’ll run smoothly. And that’s down to Daisy’s calm leadership, organisation and hard work.

Another big part of her life is politics. If only all politicians were so clever, sensible and downright likeable! She’s also known within the chorus for her love of beer and breweries – which seems to be a theme amongst most of our members and our director.

Meet the Unsung Champions (Women of Note) from previous years