Linda is a key figure in Forth Valley’s management team keeping the website up-to-date and being main liaison with the music team. She has been team leader in the past and is always in the midst of everything Forth Valley Chorus. Linda has also been the principle key holder for our rehearsal hall for many years; keeping everything sweet with our landlords, arranging for heating, arranging for no heating and weekend access, just to name the obvious items. This also means she is first to arrive and last to lock up and leave each week.
Linda leads the effort on our early bird rehearsals for newbies, which occur before the regular rehearsals. It has been great to see how the additional rehearsals help with the audition process and developing repertoire for the newbies. This was especially true in the last year when there was a fully-loaded learning stack with new songs and choreo in preparation for our autumn show. Her leadership and encouragement have been instrumental in helping the learning process.
As Assistant Director and member of the music team, Linda is always willing to step in and support David, including being a dilligent timekeeper to encourage the smooth running of the evening! She works tirelessly every week running around making sure everything is in its place and always with a smile on her face.