Trish embodies everything that this award stands for – an unsung hero who really make a difference to chorus life but aren’t necessarily in the limelight. She is the most reliable person one could ever come across and you can count on her for almost anything. She works quietly and efficiently behind the scenes undertaking tasks many of the members aren’t even aware of.
Trish sets us up every rehearsal with mics taking them home to repair, check and sanitise and then patiently provides technical support at each rehearsal and coaching session. Sets up speakers so that physical warm up can go ahead, stays until the end to ensure risers are away, even the image of her hoovering the risers just shows her love, care and dedication to the chorus.
Whether it be lost property, tracking and organising the mini risers or locking up – all the unglamorous backroom but necessary jobs Trish is there every week just getting on with it without any fuss. Trish does a lot of the things we might take for granted that never really highlighted booking vans, opening our rehearsal venue at the crack of dawn to move the risers and organising the riser team. She is very modest about her work, completely selfless and conducts herself with decency, never seeking praise for her contribution to chorus life. She is utterly dependable and spends much time ensuring the background tasks work really efficiently.
But above all, Trish is a lovely and very modest person, who acts as if the most natural and obvious way is to help others. This nomination is only a small sign of how thankful we are for her dedication and friendship, and of how much she means to us.
About Trish
Trish joined Forth Valley in 2010 and again in 2014. However, this was not the start of Trish’s a cappella craft. Trish was Somerset Hills about three times in all having been introduced to barbershop by way of a mixed quartet prior to 1992. She was friendly with June (who sang with Cynthia and Anya in Whisperwood) and also sang in mixed groups with her. While with Somerset Hills, Trish was the Sing-Out Secretary travelling all over Somerset to review the venues. Known as an excellent baritone singer and a loyal chorus members Trish was always there, turning her hand to anything but most especially with the risers as she owned a variety of vans! When on the Management Team In Forth Valley Trish took on the role of organising the risers and vans and we have been very glad of her expertise!