Wendy is a founder member of Milltown Sound Chorus and has been singing barbershop for approximately 20 years. She plays many roles within our chorus and we would not be the same without her! Wendy usually sings lead, however, this year to support the bass section in our contest at SABS, she generously switched to bass to help the section who did not have a full complement of basses able to go to Spain. This also meant re-learning songs she had already learnt in lead. She is a superstar! In addition, Wendy is member of our choreography team and has also been on our costume team in previous years. As if that wasn’t enough, Wendy also sings with her quartet, Blonde Ambition, who were the SABS International Silver Medallists 2018. They have been singing together for ten years and have competed at Sweet Adelines many times. Wendy is the host for the majority of our sectionals (even the ones she is not in) and is the chorus baker, making us cakes and sweet treats for birthdays, sectionals and to raise funds for the chorus. Wendy is also the host for our annual chorus gin festival, however, I think that is a win win for her as she is very fond of gin!
When not singing, Wendy works as a teaching assistant in a high school (over 20 years). She is an active member of her church and regularly supports them in community events. At home, Wendy is married to Alun and they have a daughter Lydia, 15 years-old and two naughty kittens. Lydia is also a member of Milltown Sound, as is Alun’s mother Beryl. It’s a real family affair!
Wendy is kind thoughtful and always willing to help everyone in the chorus, she is a real team player and that is why she is our 2018 Woman of Note.