Who is your Woman of Note?

March 20, 2016
Women of Note banner - Sweet Adelines

Is there someone in your chapter or know somebody in the region who you look up to and admire for what they do for you or the region above and beyond the singing?

This year the Regional Management Team (RMT) created an award for the unsung heroes amongst us who deserve some recognition for what they do – Women of Note.

Every year, each chapter can nominate one person as their Woman of Note. Chapter-at-Large (CAL) members can also nominate.

All Women of Note will be honoured on the Sunday ceremonies of regional convention weekend. Their profiles will also be displayed on the website and featured on Harmony Rag.

So, who can you nominate? She can be a member of your chapter or from another, including CAL members. As long as they are a member of Sweet Adelines International in Region 31, they can be nominated.

Each chapter/CAL member must complete the nomination form and submit it along with a photo of the nominee to the Regional Membership Coordinator membership[at]sweetadelines.org.uk by 15th April.

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