Fiona McGlashan

Regional Management Team
Fiona McGlashan - Unsung Champion 2023 - Sweet Adelines

Fiona is the hardest working person to many people. Not only does she sing (and hold team management roles) with two choruses and a quartet, but she has served on the Regional Management Team (RMT) for many years in different roles. She has been a key player in the delivery of well-organised conventions. And she does all these things with amazing enthusiasm and energy.

She is thoughtful and considerate and freely offers her time and considerable ability, not only fulfilling the requirements of her various commitments, but going over and above to achieve the best possible result. Her knowledge of the workings of Sweet Adelines is wide and she has never failed to deal with a query – if she doesn’t know the answer she will know someone who does! She will blush to hear glowing comments about her as she is modest and does not seek recognition or reward. She is dependable, kind and is always prepared to give practical and emotional support.

Fiona finally had to step down as Team Leader of Cambridge Harmony in 2015, having worked (for as many years as she was allowed) to keep the chorus in order: chairing meetings, driving projects, organising events, arranging coaching, booking hotels, sorting out travel and meals for convention and workshops, and generally keeping everyone inspired and motivated with her goodwill and enthusiasm. She is also a vital member of the tenor section.

As a quartet member, Fiona is largely responsible for the outrageous metamorphosis of Footlights from run-of-the-mill quartet into four mad old ladies who certainly know how to have fun, with or without an audience! On the understanding that laughter is a good vocal warm-up, she ensures they make the most of every opportunity to laugh their way through rehearsals and love her wicked (and infectious) sense of humour.

Fiona epitomises the ethos and qualities that Sweet Adelines promotes and is a marvellous ambassador for Region 31, both as an RMT representative and as an ordinary member of this great organisation.

Meet the Unsung Champions (Women of Note) from previous years